Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lesson 48: Pronoun Quiz

Complete the sentences. Use I, me, you, she, her, etc.:


I want to see her, but she doesn't want to see me.
  • They want to see me, but __________ don't want to see __________.
  • She wants to see him, but __________ doesn't want to see __________.
  • We want to see them, but __________ don't want to see __________.
  • He wants to see us, but __________ don't want to see __________.
  • They want to see her, but __________ doesn't want to see __________.
  • I want to see them, but __________ don't want to see __________.
  • You want to see her, but __________ doesn't want to see __________.

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