Monday, June 1, 2009

Lesson 29: Spelling Quiz

He is going to cook _______________.
  • a) tomorow
  • b) tomorrow
  • c) tommorow
  • d) tommorrow
As you can see, Jonathan _______________ likes to write.
  • a) really
  • b) raelly
  • c) realy
  • d) reallie
I can't give her a _______________.
  • a) nicklace
  • b) nekclace
  • c) necklace
  • d) necklise
What did your parents give you for your _______________?
  • birthday
  • birhtday
  • berthday
  • berthday
We send the _______________ everyday.
  • a) messagis
  • b) mesages
  • c) mesagges
  • d) messages
I'm not going to watch videos _______________.
  • a) tonyt
  • b) tonight
  • c) tonigth
  • d) tonite
It's in the _______________.
  • a) refrigerator
  • b) rifregerator
  • c) refregerator
  • d) refrigirator
Let's have friench fries and _______________.
  • a) hamborgers
  • b) hammburgers
  • c) hamburgirs
  • d) hambuggers
How many _______________ do you want?
  • a) cookies
  • b) cokkies
  • c) cookeis
  • d) cookes
These potatoes are _______________.
  • a) deliciuos
  • b) dilicious
  • c) delecious
  • d) delicious

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