Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lesson 46: More on Pronouns

We use me / her / them, etc.(object) after a preposition (for / to / with, etc.).
  • Who is that woman? Why are you looking at her?
  • We're going to the movies. Do you want to come with us?
  • Sue and Kevin are going to the movies. Do you want to go with them?
  • A: "Where's the newspaper?" B: "You're sitting on it."
Give it / them to.....
  • I need that book. Please give it to me.
  • Robert needs these books. Can you give them to him, please?
Complete the sentences
  • I need that book. Can you _______________?
  • He wants the key. Can you give _______________?
  • She wants the keys. Can you _______________?
  • I need that letter. Can you _______________?
  • They want the money. Can you _______________?
  • We need the photographs. Can you _______________?

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