Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lesson 14: Spelling Quiz

I am a _______________.
  • a) student
  • b) stodent
  • c) studint
  • d) stowdent
Let's _______________.
  • a) tok
  • b) takl
  • c) talk
  • d) took
I like _______________.
  • a) English
  • b) Inglish
  • c) Englesh
  • d) Englis
_______________ your desk.
  • a) Tats
  • b) Touch
  • c) Tuoch
  • d) Touhc
Please be _______________.
  • a) quit
  • b) queit
  • c) quiet
  • d) quaiet
I'm _______________.
  • a) fayn
  • b) fene
  • c) feni
  • d) fine
What _______________ is this?
  • a) color
  • b) kolor
  • c) colur
  • d) coror
This is a red and _______________ book.
  • a) yelow
  • b) yillow
  • c) yello
  • d) yellow
This my _______________, Sarah.
  • a) frend
  • b) friend
  • c) freind
  • d) frind
She's my _______________.
  • a) granmother
  • b) grandmather
  • c) grandmother
  • d) granmather

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