Friday, May 29, 2009

Lesson 28: Flowers

Lesson 27: Am / Is / Are

Look at Lisa's sentences above. Write sentences about yourself.
  • (name?) My _______________.
  • (from?) I _______________.
  • (age?) I _______________.
  • (job?) I _______________.
  • (married?) I _______________.
  • (favorite color(s)?) My _______________.
  • (interested in?) I __________________.

Lesson 26: The Black Cat Song

Green grass, blue skies
Black cats, yellow eyes

Red birds, blue skies

Black cats, yellow eyes.

White clouds, blue skies
Black cats, yellow eyes

Black cats, blue skies

Yellow, yellow eyes.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lesson 23: Exercise (Based on Lesson 22)

Lesson 22: What do you like to do on the weekend?

Lesson 21: Let's Sing

Hi, How Are You?

Hi, how are you?
I'm fine.
Hi, how are you?
I'm fine.
Hi, how are you?
I'm fine. How are you?
I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.

Lesson 20: Days of the Week


  1. What is the first day of the week?
  2. What is the last day of the week?
  3. What is your favorite day of the week?
  4. What is your least favorite day of the week?
  5. How do you usually spend your day everyday?